Offenbach Harbour

“…design implements blue-green infrastructure to promote climate resilience. The plan is embedded with a range of innovative water-treatment solutions…”

_Location: Offenbach, Germany

_Company: Henning Larsen  |


Landscape architect | Henning Larsen

Engineer | Schüßler-Plan

_Clients: Mainviertel Offenbach GmbH & Co. KG

_Size: 20 ha/49.5 acres

_Year completed: 2024

_Text credits: Henning Larsen

Project Description

Formerly a contaminated industrial peninsula, Offenbach Harbor is now a renewed multifunctional city district that provides residents direct and easy access to the water. A promenade network connects the water to the more densely built-up area on one hand, and to the new local park and regional river path beyond.

Our design implements blue-green infrastructure to promote climate resilience. The plan is embedded with a range of innovative water-treatment solutions for retaining and cleansing stormwater before releasing it into the harbor and river. These include cleansing biotopes integrated into park spaces and the creation of new natural habitats intended to support riparian flora and fauna.

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