Henning Larsen

_Company location:

Denmark, United States, Singapore, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Australia and Hong Kong

_Company profile:

Founded in 1959 by Danish architect Henning Larsen, whose legacy of creativity and learning continues to shape the design approach today.


Working across architecture, landscape, urban design, and interiors, the international studio maintains acute attention to detail while never losing sight of the bigger picture. This holistic approach enables Henning Larsen to manifest lasting change by co-creating, innovating, and cultivating desirable futures through design.


With over 650 employees, the growing design community spans studios in eight countries including Denmark, the United States, Singapore, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and Hong Kong.





_All projects:

An image of landscape architecture project Offenbach Harbour, by design firm Henning Larsen, in Offenbach, Germany. Showing a harbor edge with terraces and a project integrating blue-green infrastructure

Offenbach Harbour

Our design implements blue-green infrastructure to promote climate resilience. The plan is embedded with a range of innovative water-treatment solutions for retaining and cleansing stormwater before releasing it into the harbor and river. These include cleansing biotopes integrated into park spaces and the creation of new natural habitats intended to support riparian flora and fauna.

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An image of landscape architecture project Rifle Range Park, by design firm Henning Larsen, in Singapore. Showing a walkway and pedestrian trails and amenities within a rainforest ecosystem

Rifle Range Park

With the aim of preserving Singapore’s rainforest ecosystem which is under threat from development and human activity, a nine-month baseline study guided the landscape design. The park design has revived the area, restoring its natural forest and wetland habitat, integrating water-sensitive solutions, fauna protection, heritage conservation, and inviting visitors into an engaging natural environment. Photo: Finbarr Fallon

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An image of landscape architecture project Biotope, by design firm Henning Larsen, in Lille, France. Showing a landscaped roof terrace with a courtyard below, promoting wildlife and wellness at work.


Combining wildlife and wellness at work, the headquarters of the Métropole Européenne de Lille has been transformed into into a unique circular environment, the building supports people, animals, and local nature alike. Photo: Javier Callejas Sevilla

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